Leisure Battery Charger

I want a nice battery charger that can stay in place. I’m looking for something that will cope with:

  • Can comfortably charge a 110AH battery
  • Reverse polarity protection
  • Mounting holes (preferably)
  • Multistage charging

This is the nicest I’ve found so far:
£74 – 3 Stage charging – https://www.portablepowertech.com/product/standard-20a-12v-battery-charger/

Paco 7 Stage 20A Charger
£70 – 7 Stage charging – http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-20A-Connect-and-Forget-Leisure-Battery-Charger-Caravan-Motorhome-Boat-/121734459481?hash=item1c57f07059:g:qMYAAOSw7I5Tw788

Scrap that… I’ve been given a battery charger from a friend who upgraded his!