The boy child’s new upgraded bed is in the front on a camp bed. This means I need some external thermal blinds as if they are internal he will be a little bugger and spend all night peering out!
There are a few options….
£49 …but a universal so may be baggy!…
£75 …
Have actually gone for this one as it is the only which had photos of my van and looked good!
Time will tell what it looks like, if it blacks out enough light and if it flaps too much in high wind!!
So thermally and black out wise it helps but it isn’t great. I’ve been using silver bubble wrap on the insides of the windows to black out the light. The boy now sleeps in the cab so it’s important that it’s dark. So far I’ve just crammed in foil bubble wrap and hope its stayed in place!
My current project on this is to cut the foil that I have to exact size and then sew (I know… me… sew!) bias binding around the edges with magnets embedded to attach to the frames around….. I may have to use some velcro…. I’ve ordered a lot of magnets to have a play!