Cave Girl

This was the initial inspiration! I have no idea where this is from.

Then I remembered an old BBC series called Cavegirl….

I’m thinking if I need to use any buttons then I can use ‘horn’ buttons although they wouldn’t have been around for a long time its not like its an accurate costume!

Initial Sketch


Halter tie-top or waistcoat style top. Patchwork of colours and materials.


A-line wrap-around skirt tied with leather thong would be the simplest way to do it. If possible I’d like to make it elasticated so its less of a faff to take on/off but still gives the impression of being tied on.

Shoulder Pauldron

Fur pauldron not sure yet if it should be tied on or part of the top.

Ankle Warmers

Fur wrapped on with leather thong. If possible I’d like to make it elasticated so its less of a faff to take on/off but still gives the impression of being tied on.


I like the arm tie and choker from the Cavegirl series. Would need to get some leather thong and some bone fragment to decorate them.