Mad Max Post Apocalypse

Project Status: Backlog

Possibly the coolest genre of costume that is going and the new film with Tom Hardy is no exception.

Tom Hardy as Mad Max in Fury Road
Tom Hardy as Mad Max in Fury Road

Some source films, I’ve picked these for the costuming not the quality of film:

  • Mad Max (all of them!)
  • Doomsday
  • Resident Evil
  • Dredd
  • A boy and his Dog
  • The Postman
  • Escape from New York
  • Escape from LA

There are plenty of lists of post apocalypse films on IMDB but some of them have a funny idea what qualifies and some have bloody awful taste! First list looks good though!

I’ll add images up here as I find them but basically its all about the adornments! Get a solid base outfit then add multiple layers, extra kit (binoculars, torches, food packs…) then add plenty of affectations (feathers, chains, studs, chainmail…). One final thing to remember is the distressed look, the costume should be beaten up not freshly laundered!


[fts_pinterest type=single_board_pins pinterest_name=fearpig board_id=post-apocalypse pins_count=6]

Here’s a couple of links to collections already made on Pintrest…

Amazing Jacket from Junker Designs (who seem to be defunct)

Now I’ve got other people sending me ideas…




Junker Designs keep coming up….!


As an old rocker I always preferred East German Paratrooper boots, they were chunkier!

Then you need to beat the crap out of them… see the notes on distressing them below. The best way I heard of doing them was to stuff them with paper and throw them in a mini cement mixer let them tumble round with the left over cement to scuff them up and dirty them!

Random adornment ideas…

Webbing and pouches

Right-angle Torch
Good to fit in the webbing.
Right Angle Torch

Gas Mask
I’ve got bonus plans for this… smoke breathing with LED lights in the eyes but that’s a separate project.
M10 Gas Mask

Ohhhhh may have found a better Gas Mask than an M10… a PC50. An M10 is about £15 though and comes with a drinking straw, so you can drink your beer without removing your costume!


Distressing Costumes & Finishing Touches

Layering, you don’t wear one layer of clothes why do you wear one layer of costume? Here’s a really good break down and examples…

You’ve gone through the apocalypse… there is no laundry service. Some ideas I need to go over yet, the first one looks good, haven’t watched the videos yet.

Distressing Costume for Post-Apocalyptic LARP