Wings v1

Project Status: Backlog

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The idea behind this was to create a set of mechanically articulated wings. They should be powered either by mechanics, pnumatics or hydralyics. Its the actual maechanics that I’m really interested in and have in mind a finshed product that is either styalised stem/cyber punk or devil/dragon wings. I have a feeling that I will simply build two sets once I have the mechanics working neatly and simply. There are several versions around that are controlled by moving the upper arms but these have never appealed to me!

Time & Money

 EstimatedSo Far…
Time to Design30 hrs 
Time to Build (Including sourcing/scrounging materials!)3 Months0 hrs
Cost to Build£300£0

Initial Thoughts

This was my first ever prototype in cardboard and string that I have carried tucked away for about 12 years!

This is my recent full-scale mock-up using Correx (for-sale-signs) and 6m bolt and wingnuts.

I think that I want to make two sets of wings – a futuristic angel set of wing with metallic feathers and a set of leathery devil / bat wings.

Having watched lots of videos I think that I want to run these on linear actuators (electric pistons… kind of) as I’m much happier with electrics than trying to work out some pneumatic or hydraulic systems. The linear actuators are a better bet than servos as well as they don’t tack power to hold something in position so the battery packs should last a lot longer.

Component Ideas

12v Linear Actuator

Aluminium Box Section

A waist strap with an aircraft buckle would look cool

Aluminium blinds to make feathers